Alarming illegal logging in Romania

1/24/2018 | Ana Canomanuel
Dan Dinu
In 2016, a report by Greenpeace alerted about the increasing number of illegal logging registered by the authorities in Romania. As mentioned in the report, this can be explained by an increase of the authority efficiency on identifying and documenting these cases, as well as due to the increased phenomena of illegal logging.
The area covered by forests in Romania has decreased dramatically in the twentieth century. Romania has wild and pristine forests, rich in biodiversity and home to unique flora and fauna, including the largest population of bears in Europe. 
Members of the public are very active in tracking the damage and warning the authorities. Recently, drone footage captured by a particular showed the devastating effects of the logging in the Semenic-Cheile Carasului National Park. The video has helped raise media attention to the issue, but environmental local groups and the political opposition are still complaining that the Environment ministry fails to deliver plans to limit illegal logging.