Waverley Abbey Yew

Species: Yew (Taxus baccata L.)
Age: 500 years
Region: Farnham, Surrey, England

Spectaular centuries old Yew wins UK Tree of the Year

The winner of UK Tree of the Year 2022 is a yew perching on the ruins of Waverley Abbey, in Surrey, founded 900 years ago by the reforming Cistercian religious order. 
After the abbey was dismantled in 1536 following the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the yew tree sprung up and has been a faithful guardian of the ruins for nearly 500 years. It is a spectacular tree with roots that sprawl out above ground before plunging into the earth. Its multi-stemmed form is dotted with holes, crevices and areas of decay that provide valuable habitat for wildlife.

Tree of the year 2023
9413 votes
7th place
Nominated by: Woodland Trust
National contest organizer: Woodland Trust