The Guardian of Great Moravia's secrets

Species: Large-leaved lime (Tilia platophyllos)
Age: 235years years
Region: Kopčany, Skalica district, Slovak republic

The Lime guarding secrets

On the edge of the village of Kopčany, in a quiet meadow, there is an old lime and an old church. They protect each other and have resisted the weather for more than two hundred years. The church is from the 9th - 10th century, and is one of the oldest buildings of the Great Moravian period of Slovakia. They create a typical sacred couple for our country - the lime with its roots protects the forgotten stories of the ancestors from the Great Moravian Empire and completes the unspoken atmosphere of this archaeologically and culturally significant place.

Tree of the year 2019
15412 votes
6th place
Nominated by: Kozel, civic association